John Galsworthy (* 14. August 1867 in Kingston Hill, Surrey, England; † 31. Januar 1933 in London) war ein englischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker.
George Bernard Shaw (* 26. Juli 1856 in Dublin, Irland; † 2. November 1950 in Ayot Saint Lawrence, England) war ein irischer Dramatiker, Politiker, Satiriker, Musikkritiker und Pazifist, der 1925 den Nobelpreis für Literatur und 1939 den Oscar für das beste adaptierte Drehbuch erhielt.
Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.
#417 Brief an Marjorie Watts
Datierung | 1925-10-27 |
Absendeort | Berlin, Deutschland |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlicher Ergänzung („and the old one had been cancelled.“) |
Provenienz | UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers |
Briefkopf | - |
Publikationsort | Frühwald/Spalek 1979, S. 168f. |
Personen |
Watts, Marjorie
Galsworthy, John Shaw, George Bernard Toller, Ernst Watts, Marjorie |
Institutionen | PEN-Club |
Ernst Toller
Berlin-Grunewald, Oct. 27th, 1925
Hagenstr. 39/42
Miss Marjorie Scott,
c/o The P.E.N. Club,
6 Portman Mansions,
London W. 1.
Dear Miss Scott,
I am sorry to tell you that there are great difficulties with regard to my coming there. In reply to my request for a new visum the Passport Control Officer told me that he himself is not authorized to decide on that matter but only the British Home Authorities and the old one had been cancelled. That means that I am probably on the “black list”. The officer was very kind and gave me the advice that Mr. J. Galsworthy or any member of the P.E.N. Club should do something in behalf of my journey, that is to address themselves to the Home Authorities perhaps. In a letter to the British Consul General here I pointed out that the purpose of my going to London is a purely literary one. Besides I had to give the names of some prominent English personalities, and I took the liberty, as the case is rather urgent, to give them the names of Mr. John Galsworthy and Mr. Bernard Shaw. I beg you to inform Mr. J. Galsworthy and Mr. Bernard Shaw that I used their names as a reference under the pressure of the present difficulties.
Yours very truly
Ernst Toller.