William Temple (* 15. Oktober 1881 in Exeter; † 26. Oktober 1944 in Kent) war Erzbischof von Canterbury von 1942 bis 1944 und führender Vertreter der ökumenischen Bewegung.
Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1. Baron Lang of Lambeth (* 31. Oktober 1864 in Fyvie (Aberdeenshire), Schottland; † 5. Dezember 1945 in London) war ein anglikanischer Geistlicher und von 1928 bis 1942 Erzbischof von Canterbury.
Christiane Lili Grautoff (* 5. April 1917 in Berlin; † 27. August 1974 in Mexiko-Stadt) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin und die Ehefrau des expressionistischen Schriftstellers Ernst Toller.
#1603 Brief an Harriet Ide Keen Roberts
Datierung | 1938-11-12 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | M. F. |
Beschreibung | Brief, 2 S., T + Kuvert |
Provenienz | UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers |
Briefkopf | - |
Poststelle | 1938-11-17 South Kensignton |
Personen |
Roberts, Harriet Ide Keen
Roberts, Richard Ellis Temple, William Gordon Lang, Cosmo Grautoff, Christiane M. F. Roberts, Harriet Ide Keen |
Ernst Toller.
November 12th, 1938.
Dearest Hariett,
You cannot imagine how happy I was to see you again and to tell you how I love you. If the lady with the monocle and the badly tinted hair (I have never seen such an awful pink hair and such a distempered face) – if this lady will meet Ellis, she will tell him the truth, namely, that besides of his wife there was sitting a man who was rather shockingly flirting with her. I feel sad, that I could not spare half a day to come to see you in Brighton. – Yesterday I saw the Archbishop of York, who seems to know Ellis and inquired about him. The Archbishop was most kind and helped me extremely. It is also possible that I shall see today the Archbishop of Canterbury. You see, dear Harriet, I am only dealing with Graces. So perhaps some grace will be spread over me. Thank you that you will write Christiane. I heard again from somebody that she is in a rather unhappy state and she needs kindness and friendship now.
Love to you both.
Yours ever
Ernst Toller
M. F.
enclosure: 1 cheque