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William Temple (* 15. Oktober 1881 in Exeter; † 26. Oktober 1944 in Kent) war Erzbischof von Canterbury von 1942 bis 1944 und führender Vertreter der ökumenischen Bewegung.

Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1. Baron Lang of Lambeth (* 31. Oktober 1864 in Fyvie (Aberdeenshire), Schottland; † 5. Dezember 1945 in London) war ein anglikanischer Geistlicher und von 1928 bis 1942 Erzbischof von Canterbury.

Christiane Lili Grautoff (* 5. April 1917 in Berlin; † 27. August 1974 in Mexiko-Stadt) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin und die Ehefrau des expressionistischen Schriftstellers Ernst Toller.

#1603 Brief an Harriet Ide Keen Roberts

Datierung 1938-11-12
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser M. F.

Brief, 2 S., T + Kuvert

Provenienz UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers
Briefkopf -
Poststelle 1938-11-17
South Kensignton
Personen Roberts, Harriet Ide Keen
Roberts, Richard Ellis
Temple, William
Gordon Lang, Cosmo
Grautoff, Christiane
M. F.
Roberts, Harriet Ide Keen

Ernst Toller.

November 12th, 1938.

Dearest Hariett,

You cannot imagine how happy I was to see you again and to tell you how I love you. If the lady with the monocle and the badly tinted hair (I have never seen such an awful pink hair and such a distempered face) – if this lady will meet Ellis, she will tell him the truth, namely, that besides of his wife there was sitting a man who was rather shockingly flirting with her. I feel sad, that I could not spare half a day to come to see you in Brighton. – Yesterday I saw the Archbishop of York, who seems to know Ellis and inquired about him. The Archbishop was most kind and helped me extremely. It is also possible that I shall see today the Archbishop of Canterbury. You see, dear Harriet, I am only dealing with Graces. So perhaps some grace will be spread over me. Thank you that you will write Christiane. I heard again from somebody that she is in a rather unhappy state and she needs kindness and friendship now.

Love to you both.

Yours ever

Ernst Toller


M. F.

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