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Hubertus Friedrich Prinz zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (* 14. Oktober 1906 auf Schloss Schönwörth bei Kufstein/Tirol; † 28. November 1984 in Bonn) war ein deutscher Journalist, Schriftsteller und Politiker (FDP, ab 1957 DP, ab 1958 CDU).

Walter Mehring (* 29. April 1896 in Berlin; † 3. Oktober 1981 in Zürich) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und einer der bedeutendsten satirischen Autoren der Weimarer Republik.

Hans Flesch-Brunningen (eigentlich Johannes Evangelista Luitpold Flesch Edler von Brunningen; Pseudonyme: Johannes von Bruning, Vincent Brun, Flesch-Brun; * 5. Februar 1895 in Brünn; † 1. August 1981 in Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer.

Bodo Uhse (* 12. März 1904 in Rastatt; † 2. Juli 1963 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Journalist und politischer Aktivist (NSDAP, KPD, SED).

John Heartfield (* 19. Juni 1891 in Schmargendorf; † 26. April 1968 in Ost-Berlin; eigentlich Helmut Herzfeld, fälschlicherweise manchmal Herzfelde geschrieben) war ein deutscher Maler, Grafiker, Fotomontagekünstler und Bühnenbildner.

Stefan Zweig (* 28. November 1881 in Wien; † 23. Februar 1942 in Petrópolis, Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller.

Theodor Kramer (* 1. Jänner 1897 in Niederhollabrunn; † 3. April 1958 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Lyriker.

Soma Morgenstern (* 3. Mai 1890 in Budzanów, Ostgalizien, Österreich-Ungarn; † 17. April 1976 in New York City), eigentlich Salomo Morgenstern, war ein deutschsprachiger jüdischer Schriftsteller, Journalist und Zeitzeuge altösterreichischer Herkunft.

Ernst Krenek (* 23. August 1900 in Wien; † 22. Dezember 1991 in Palm Springs, Kalifornien; ursprünglich Křenek) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist österreichischer Herkunft.

Richard Arnold Bermann (* 27. April 1883 in Wien; † 9. September 1939 in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA), besser bekannt unter seinem Pseudonym Arnold Höllriegel, war ein österreichischer Journalist und Reiseschriftsteller.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1574 Brief an Sarah F. Brandes

Datierung 1938-07-20
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 2 S., T

mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen

Provenienz Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945, Frankfurt am Main, Archiv der American Guild for German Cultural Freedom New York/Personenakte Ernst Toller, EB 70/117-D.0975
Briefkopf -
Poststelle -
Personen Brandes, Sarah F.
Löwenstein, Hubertus Prinz zu
Frank, Elisabeth Maria Karl
Mehring, Walter
Flesch, Hans
Uhse, Bodo
Heartfield, John
Zweig, Stefan
Kramer, Theodor
Morgenstern, Soma
Krenek, Ernst
Bermann, Richard Arnold
Toller, Ernst
Brandes, Sarah F.
Institutionen American Guild for German Cultural Freedom
Thomas Mann Fund

London, July 20th, 1938

Miss Sarah F. Brandes

American Guild for German Cultural Freedom

20 Vesey Street

New York/ N. Y.

Dear Miss Brandes,

thank you so much for your letter from July 7th. Up till now I have not been able to get in touch with Prince Löwenstein as he seems to be abroad.

As Mrs. Frank has gone back to America it is also impossible to check up with the Thomas Mann Fund.

Yesterday I saw the exhibition of German Contemporary Art and spoke with the organisers about the possibility of bringing over the exhibition for the “Germany in Exile” exhibition on the World Fair. They agreed in principle and will get in touch with you immediately. They also think that the whole bunch of distinguished sponsors (bishops, dukes and titled ladies) will sponsor the New York exhibition.

Concerning the scholarships I think that the Guild ought to send the eighteen scholarships which we agreed upon to all.

I checked the case of Walter Mehring and found out that his situation is a very bad one.

About Flesch I shall hear to-morrow and shall write you.

About Bodo Uhse I shall make inquiries in Paris.

I remembered here, that we did not discuss during our meeting the case if John Heartfield, the German painter, who is living in very distressed circumstances. His address is:

John Heartfield


Trida Krale Alexandra.

As you will remember, he got already a scholarship for three months. I recommend him wholeheartedly for a renewal.

He is an extremely gifted man and he was the pioneer if the so called “montage art”, which is common property all over the world to-day.

I also learned from Stefan Zweig that two people whom we turned down, Theodor Kramer and Soma Morgenstern, are both writers of substantial talent, who would both deserve a scholarship.

Both are Austrians. Theodor Kramer was known as one of the outstanding social poets in Austria. And Soma Morgenstern has distinguished himself through several novels.

Stefan Zweig will write to you about them.

Concerning Ernest Krenek we voted the renewal of his scholarship but I learned that his financial situation is better now.

I know Krenek and his integrity. In my opinion it would be the best to speak to him frankly about the question.

If he does not need the money urgently, he will doubtlessly withdraw.

I am going to Paris by the end of this week and hope to see the Prince there.

Unfortunately I had neither a chance to see Dr. Bermann-Höllriegel. He had left London one day before I arrived.

With kind regards

Yours sincerely

Ernst Toller.