Clifford Odets (* 18. Juli 1906 in Philadelphia; † 18. August 1963 in Glendale) war ein nordamerikanischer Bühnen- und Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler.
Ernst Krenek (* 23. August 1900 in Wien; † 22. Dezember 1991 in Palm Springs, Kalifornien; ursprünglich Křenek) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist österreichischer Herkunft.
Alfred Kantorowicz (* 12. August 1899 in Berlin; † 27. März 1979 in Hamburg) war ein deutscher Jurist, Schriftsteller, Publizist und Literaturwissenschaftler jüdischer Herkunft.
Karl Otto Paetel (* 23. November 1906 in Berlin; † 4. Mai 1975 in New York) war ein deutscher Journalist und Publizist. Er war ein wichtiger Vertreter des Nationalbolschewismus.
Adolf Hitler (* 20. April 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Österreich-Ungarn; † 30. April 1945 in Berlin) war von 1933 bis 1945 Reichskanzler und Diktator des Deutschen Reiches.
Thomas Mann (* 6. Juni 1875 in Lübeck; † 12. August 1955 in Zürich) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Er emigrierte 1933 in die Schweiz und 1939 in die USA.
José Orabuena; gebürtig Hans Sochaczewer (* 10. August 1892 in Berlin; † 16. Februar 1978 in Ascona, Schweiz) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller.
Friedrich Carl Georg Kaiser (* 25. November 1878 in Magdeburg; † 4. Juni 1945 in Ascona) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Georg Kaiser war der erfolgreichste Dramatiker der expressionistischen Generation.
Elmer Rice (* 28. September 1892 als Elmer Reizenstein in New York City; † 8. Mai 1967 in Southampton) war ein US-amerikanischer Dramatiker.
Fritz Helmut Landshoff (* 29. Juli 1901 in Berlin; † 30. März 1988 in Haarlem) war ein deutsch-niederländischer Verleger.
Walter Landauer (* 31. August 1902 in Berlin; † 20. Dezember 1944 im KZ Bergen-Belsen) war ein deutscher Verleger.
Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.
#1568 Brief an Sarah F. Brandes
Datierung | 1938-05-23 |
Absendeort | New York City, New York, USA |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 3 S., T Notiz von fremder Hand auf S. 3 |
Provenienz | Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945, Frankfurt am Main, Archiv der American Guild for German Cultural Freedom New York/Personenakte Ernst Toller, EB 70/117-D.0975 |
Briefkopf | The Mayflower, New York City |
Personen |
Brandes, Sarah F.
Odets, Clifford Krenek, Ernst Kantorowicz, Alfred Paetel, Karl Otto Hitler, Adolf Mann, Thomas Sochaczewer, Hans Kaiser, Georg Rice, Elmer O’Casey, Sean Landshoff, Fritz Landauer, Walter Toller, Ernst Brandes, Sarah F. |
Institutionen |
American Guild for German Cultural Freedom
Querido Verlag The Metropolitan Opera Allert de Lange Verlag |
May 23rd 1938
Dear Miss Brandes,
Allow me to propose for a scholarship the following men.
1) Ernst Krenek, c/o Querido Verlag, Amsterdam, 333 Keizersgracht.
Krenek is one of the most gifted modern composers. He wrote several operas, symphonies, concertos a.s.o. His opera JONNY SPIELT AUF has been produced by the Metropolitan Opera. Through the conquest of Austria by Hitler, he lost all his belongings as he was an Austrian.
2) Alfred Kantorowicz. 11, Square Albin Cachot, Paris.
Kantorowicz belongs to those young German writers of whom Thomas Mann spoke at the Annual Dinner at the Guild. He was fighting in Spain and has just returned to Paris. He is preparing a literary book on Spain. His financial situation is a very bad one.
3) Karl Paetel. 87, rue du Chanteau, Paris 14.
Paetel belongs to that group of young conservative German writers who originally were affected by nationalistic ideas but was hostile to Naziism. He fought courageously inside Germany until he had to emigrate to Paris. He has published a serial of booklets titled: SCHRIFTEN DER JUNGEN NATION. These booklets are brought into Germany under great danger. He has prepared a number of new booklets which are of literary value and important for the German opposition.
4) Hans Sochaczewer. c/o Querido Verlag, 333 Keizersgracht, Amsterdam.
Sochaczewer is a gifted young novelist who has published several books before Hitler came into power and is working now on a novel.
5) Georg Kaiser.
The Problem concerning Kaiser is a peculiar one. Kaiser was doubtless one of the outstanding playwrights of our epoch. His plays have been translated into many languages and had a great influence on authors like Elmer Rice, Clifford Odets, O’Casey and others. Several plays by him have been produced in America. He never could leave Germany. The Nazis took away his passport. In these days a letter reached the Querido-Verlag, Amsterdam, that he at last has an opportunity to emigrate. It would be necessary to support him in the first month of his exile. I am convinced that he will find soon an opportunity of establishing himself outside of Germany.
Besides of that I want to inform you that the directors of the two Dutch publishing houses for German émigrés, DR. FRITZ LANDSHOFF, Querido Verlag, and Mr. LANDAUER, Allert de Lange Verlag, are willing to give whenever they are asked reports about the material situation of applicants for a scholarship. Both who have been publishers in Germany and are since five years in contact with the German émigré literature are well informed, objective and trustworthy.
Their help can be of great use for the Guild
Yours sincerely,
Ernst Toller