#1561 Brief an Freda Kirchwey
Datierung | 1938-04-09 |
Absendeort | New York City, New York, USA |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlicher Ergänzung |
Provenienz | Harvard University, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library, Nation records, MS Am 2302 (4447) |
Briefkopf | Hotel The Mayflower, New York |
Personen |
Kirchwey, Freda
Kirchwey, Freda Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen |
Queens College
Queens College Newsletter |
April 9th 1938
Dear Mrs. Kirchwey,
Allow me to send you the magazine COLLEGE NEWS LETTER in which you will find the details of the incident with Queens College. There were so many false reports in the press, therefore I want you to know the truth. After the incident had occured the New York College Teacher’s Union learned about it from a private source, checked the facts and asked me to give a statement. The withdrawal of the invitation did not interest me at all. What affected me was the reason given and the principles involved.
Yours sincerely,
Ernst Toller.
I am also sending you enclosed a short article, it is a speech which I gave to members of the Faculty of New York University. Be so kind as to let me know if you would like to print it.