Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert, bekannt als Lola Montez (* 17. Februar 1821 in Grange, County Sligo; † 17. Januar 1861 in New York) war eine irische Tänzerin und eine Geliebte König Ludwigs I. von Bayern, der sie 1847 zur Gräfin Marie von Landsfeld erhob.
Adolf Hitler (* 20. April 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Österreich-Ungarn; † 30. April 1945 in Berlin) war von 1933 bis 1945 Reichskanzler und Diktator des Deutschen Reiches.
William Lloyd Garrison (* 12. Dezember 1805 in Newburyport, Massachusetts; † 24. Mai 1879 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Aktivist für die Abschaffung der Sklaverei in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.
#1528 Brief an Oswald Garrison Villard
Datierung | 1937-05-12 |
Absendeort | Santa Monica, Kalifornien, USA |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 2 S., T |
Provenienz | Harvard University, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library, Oswald Garrison Villard papers, MS Am 1323 (3876) |
Briefkopf | Sovereign Apartments |
Poststelle | - |
Personen |
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Gilbert, Eliza Rosanna Hitler, Adolf Garrison, William Lloyd Toller, Ernst Villard, Oswald Garrison |
Institutionen | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) |
Werke | Lola Montez |
May 12, 1937.
Oswald Garrison Villard, Esq.,
20 Vesey Street
New York, N. Y.
Dear Mr. Villard: –
Thank you so much for your letter of May 4th and your kind invitation to have lunch with you on the 10th of May, which only reached me on the afternoon of the tenth in California.
I have deeply regretted that I have not had a chance to meet you during my sojourn in New York. I tried on several occasions but you were away from New York. Where will you spend the summer? If I should happen to be at the same place or near it, it would give me great pleasure to meet you.
I am living in Hollywood since the beginning of February writing the Lola Montez film for MGM, the story of the woman whom a caprice of history made the champion of freedom in Bavaria for a short time.
You have possibly heard that I was on a lecture tour throughout the United States for four months, lecturing on Hitler and the European situation.
What a change this country has undergone since 1929! The strongest impression I received is that the idea of freedom has become again a vital element in American politics. This political awakening to consciousness is accompanied by a genuine cultural awakening.
I have been living in England for the past 3 years, but I have given up residence there and have decided to settle in the United States. I have just effected my immigration into this country. Great tasks await an author in the United States and he has a broad sphere of activity.
In spite of my residence in this country you will understand that I am following the events in Germany with burning attention. Hitler’s crimes against everything that made German culture dear and precious to us are monstrous. To me the greatest evil he works seems to be that he not only destroys humanism, which found such strong expression in Germany, but that he defames the tendency to humanism in the hearts of the youth of Germany.
Whether it will be possible to save Germany from becoming the battle field of Europe, will in my opinion, largely depend upon Hitler’s uncontrollable intentions. –
During the last months I have devoted many hours to the study of American history and the chapter dealing with the work of your illustrious Grandfather, has given me a clearer insight into your own great work.
With kindest regards and all good wishes,
Yours ever sincerely,
Ernst Toller.