Maurice Schwartz oder Morris Schwartz (eigentlich Awrom-Moische Schwartz; * 10. Mai 1889 in Schydatschiw (Österreich-Ungarn, heute Ukraine); † 15. Juni 1960 in Tel Aviv) war ein jüdisch-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Theaterproduzent.
#1495 Brief an Harry Weinberger
Datierung | 1937-01-06 |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Provenienz | YUL, Manuscripts and Archives, Harry Weinberger Papers (MS 553), Box 48, Folder 19 |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Weinberger, Harry
Schwartz, Maurice Weinberger, Harry Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen | William Morrow and Company |
Werke | Eine Jugend in Deutschland |
Mr. Harry Weinberger
Counselor at Law
70 West 40th Street
New York City
Dear Mr. Weinberger:–
Thank you so much for your kind letter and the trouble you took in looking through my contract. Unfortunately the publisher shut his ears to my suggestions of fairness; therefore I rather preferred the consequences of a disadvantageous contract.
I am just starting on a lecture tour through California.
I hear that Mr. Schwartz is here on the coast but everybody tells me that he is not as poor as he pretends to be.
With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Ernst Toller.
Ernst Toller
Barbizon Plaza
101, West 58th Street
New York City