#1494 Brief an Selden Rodman
Datierung | 1937-01-01 |
Absendeort | La Quinta, Kalifornien, USA |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlichen Eingriffen |
Provenienz | University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Selden Rodman Collection, Box 9, folder 24 |
Briefkopf | La Quinta |
Personen |
Rodman, Selden
Stern, Selma Rodman, Selden Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen | Farrar & Rinehart |
Werke |
Das Schwalbenbuch |
January 1st. 1937
My dear Seldon –
I was delighted to hear that you did the new English version of the “Swallowbook” in 17 hours – I hope that it will have all the elements of such passionate work. The check will be sent to you by Farrar & Rinehart.
Regarding your wish to include the Swallowbook into your own collection of poems I unfortunately am not in the position to decide – since Farrar & Rinehart are sole proprietor of the book – you will hear from them. By the way – as you have worked so quickly and as I believe there is time enough to do it – would you not go through the other poems also? They are published in German in a book called “VORMORGEN” you can get a copy either through the Public Library or through my secretary Miss Stern who’s address is: Miss Selma Stern, Manhattan Towers Hotel 927 Broadway Susquahanna 7-1900 and phone number: Ext 927
I shall be back in N. Y. C. on January 25th, and I promise you not to let you down.
It rains in California – but I am in a paradise of a desert for a couple of days
Cordially yours
Ernst Toller.