Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.
#1435 Brief an Barrett Harper Clark
Datierung | 1936-07-08 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T. |
Provenienz | YUL, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale Collection of American Literature, Barrett H. Clark Papers (YCAL MSS 569), Box 6 |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Clark, Barrett Harper
Madden, Richard J. Peacock, Walter Howard, Sidney Toller, Ernst Clark, Barrett Harper |
Institutionen |
Dramatists Guild of America
Dramatists Play Service |
Ernst Toller
27, Belsize Square
London, NW. 3.
8. 7. 36.
B.H. Clark, Esq.
Briarcliff Manor
New York
Dear Mr. Clark,
thank you for your letter from June 28th which explains everything to me. I wrote to Mr. Sydney Howard as you have proposed.
Unfortunately I cannot deal at the moment with the professional rights. After your refusal I got in touch with Richard Madden through my London Agent Walter Peacock.
By the same post I sent a signed application to The American Dramatists.
With best wishes
cordially yours
Ernst Toller.