#1376 Brief an W. A. Fuller
Datierung | 1935-06-19 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlicher Ergänzung |
Provenienz | British Library, Add MS 63335 - f. 23 |
Briefkopf | - |
Poststelle | - |
Personen |
Fuller, W. A.
Fuller, W. A. Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen |
The Bodley Head (John Lane)
Society of Authors |
Ernst Toller
c. o. John Lane
London W. 1.
Dear Mr. Fuller,
thank you so much for your letter and your advice which is very useful to me.
Please excuse, that I have not sent the novel-contract. As the contract is in the moment in the possession of friends, whom I could not reach so quickly, I had asked John Lane to send his copy to you.
From the letters I learn, that he has not done so. I am regretting this very much indeed.
John Lane has agreed with most of your proposals.
Yours sincerely
Ernst Toller.
R. Fuller Esq.
The Author’s Society
11, Gowerstreet
W. C. 1.