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Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1357 Brief an Harold Frederick Rubinstein

Datierung 1935-03-16
Absendeort Paris, Frankreich
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T.

Provenienz British Library, Add MS 63455 - f. 72
Briefkopf -
Poststelle -
Personen Rubinstein, Harold Frederick
Toller, Ernst
Rubinstein, Harold Frederick
Institutionen League of British Dramatists
Welwyn Folk Players

Hotel Windsor Etoile,

14, rue Beaujon,

PARIS, 16. 3. 35.

Dear Mr. Rubinstein,

Thank you so much for your letter. As the Welwyn Folk Players have given a negative reply there is no necessity to pursue the matter any further. But I am surprised, for my expenses were greater than my salary, and I frequently went to Welwyn without ever asking for any remuneration. Friends too have told me that other authors had received £ 5 for the first performance, and £ 2 for the further performances.

But I thank you for your kind endeavours, and I enclose the letter for the bank which you requested from me.

Yours sincerely,

Ernst Toller.