Christiane Lili Grautoff (* 5. April 1917 in Berlin; † 27. August 1974 in Mexiko-Stadt) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin und die Ehefrau des expressionistischen Schriftstellers Ernst Toller.
#1327 Brief an Molly
Datierung | 1934-12-29 |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
?, Molly
Grautoff, Christiane ?, Jonny ?, Molly Toller, Ernst |
Ernst Toller
The Edge
the 29th of December 1934
Dear Molly,
Since a long time I have not heard any more from you. Did you get the little brooch I brought for you from Tiflis. Has Christiane ever told you the story with the earrings, I promised you.
I gave them to her before I left to Russia. When I came back, I asked her, if she has given them to you, she answered that doubting, if they were really golden, she went to a jeweler and this man stated that they were only of messing, poor Molly. I send you and Jonny all my good wishes for 1935 and my love too.
Yours ever