#1500 Brief an Selden Rodman
Datierung | 1937-01-28 |
Absendeort | New York City, New York, USA |
Verfasser | Stern, Selma |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Provenienz | University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Selden Rodman Collection, Box 9, folder 24 |
Briefkopf | Barbizon Plaza Hotel |
Personen |
Rodman, Selden
Rodman, Selden |
January 28, 1937.
Mr. Selden Rodman
315-Fourth Avenue
New York.
Dear Mr. Rodman: –
Mr. Toller has consulted the Doctor with reference to speaking on Sunday. The Doctor after forbidding Mr. Toller to do so verbally has addressed to him the enclosed letter. You will see therefrom that it would constitute a real danger to Mr. Toller’s state of health were he to appear on Sunday.
Mr. Toller wishes to be remembered to you most kindly and has asked me to again express his very genuine regret that his illness prevents him from being present.
Very truly yours,
Selma Stern.
Secretary to Mr. Toller.
Mr. Toller sends sincere thanks for the beautiful flowers.